WordPress Plugins

The Essential Parts for the WordPress Plugins

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If we find graphic themes that do not seem to satisfy my needs, we remove them from my collection to do this, simply press the in collection button and select which list to remove the graphic theme from. Use of the WordPress Plugins come perfectly there.

Compatibility analysis

Fundamental, in the search for a theme for WordPress, is to understand if the graphic theme that we are going to choose is compatible with our version of WP, but above all, it is necessary to understand if the developers release updates of the theme as the version of the CMS changes. A theme incompatible with the new versions of WordPress could force us not to update the CMS forcing us to leave security holes in our site.

Analysis of previous updates

WordPress Plugins


To understand if the graphic theme updates frequently and follows WordPress developments it is necessary to analyze:

  • the date of publication
  • the date of the last update of the graphic theme
  • compatibility with the latest version of WordPress

To understand these data, visit the technical data sheet of the topic and on the right, we will find a syntactic mirror with the technical data relating to compatibility and updates.

For example, the theme from which we extracted the data you find in the image related to this paragraph, from this point of view is certainly a good theme, since it has been updated frequently since its publication date, making it compatible with the different versions of WordPress, except the last one released less than a week ago. All topics that do not pass this exam are eliminated.

Analysis to understand if the topic is responsive

Although nowadays all the graphic themes for WordPress should be optimized for mobile devices, not all of them are developed with responsive code. For this reason, after opening the preview of the different sites, after removing the top bar owned by Themeforest, we quickly carry out a test by reducing the size of the browser window, to understand if the graphic theme actually fits or if there are problems. We eliminate all the graphic themes that have problems that cannot be solved simply.

Analysis of the reliability of the developer or web agency of the WordPress theme

Although the graphic theme that we are examining seems to us to be an excellent product, it is necessary to understand who it was made from. If the developers do not inspire our trust it is necessary to eliminate the graphic theme from the list of possible candidates for the purchase.

For this, we proceed to analyze two factors, which will lead me to exclude a good number of graphic themes.

Analysis of who created the graphic theme

To carry out this analysis it is necessary to open the technical data sheet of the author of the graphic theme we are analyzing.

How long has the web agency/developer existed and been active

How many themes for WordPress have developed? If you have developed many HTML themes or for different CMS and few for WP we forget. This rule has exceptions, as some web agencies develop few themes but of the highest quality, with strong seniority and a high number of sales;

  • How many people the technical staff is made of: more minds manage to solve problems better.
  • The votes from the users.