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Unclogging Solutions: Everything You Need to Know About Blocked Drains Cleaning

Is your home plagued by a blocked drain? Do you need infomore information eaning and maintaining them to keep them in working order? Then read on for everything you need to know about blocked drains cleaning.

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Identifying Blocked Drains

Identifying a blocked drain can be tricky. The most common signs of a blockage are slow draining sinks or toilets, overflowing sinks and strange gurgling noises coming from the pipes. If any of these symptoms appear, it is essential to diagnose the issue as soon as possible.

Causes of Blocked Drains

Blocked drains can be caused by a variety of things, such as a build-up of soap residue, food scraps, hair, grease, dirt, and other debris. Even if you have a garbage disposal installed in your sink, foreign objects like paper plates and silverware can still cause clogs.

DIY Unclogging Solutions

If the blockage is not severe, there are several